Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Energetics Kinetics Unit 4

Energetics and Kinetics are the chemical study of forces, motion and energy... heat transfer, reaction rates and mechanisms... Study in the Chemistry: Course Companion text topics 5 and 6.  Please watch all the Thornley videos (especially this one) on topic 5 and topic 6 (and topics 15 and 16 if you are interested in HL). Work on the Energetics/Kinetics Study Packet a bit at a time over the next few weeks.


Lab 11: Build and Test a Conductivity Probe using Arduino  CODE due 2/10
Lab 12: The Enthalpy of Neutraliztion of Phosphoric Acid due 2/14
Lab 13 part 1: Enthalpy Calculations lab with Bond Enthalpy worksheet due 2/21
Lab 13 part 2: Enthalpy Changes/Energy Cycle (report conclusionClass data set delta T with Thermodynamics Problems: Hess' Law worksheet 
Energetics study packet due 2/27

Lab 14: DESIGN LAB  IB SL IA (Internal Assessment) due 3/23 late work will be reduced a grade... this must be assessed and returned to IB just after break.  Please turn in a printed lab write up AND submit online on google classroom.  Design lab to be carried out during class on 2/27, 3/1, 3/3, 3/7, 3/9, and 3/13
Pre-lab abstracts due ASAP (but by 3/1 at latest)
About uncertainty
chemix app for diagramming apparatus...

Lab 15: Factors affecting the Rate of a Chemical Reaction due 4/7
Lab 16: Determining a Rate Law: Sulfur Clock Reaction 
world's first ice calorimeter
Worksheet: reaction rate/collision
Worksheet: rate expression worksheet
Kinetics study packet due 4/7

Group 4 Project meeting Thursday February 9th in flex in room 330, required for all testing students.  Project proposal due 2/16, Individual data set due 3/2, Poster due 3/16, Group evaluation of posters 3/16.


Energetics Thornley 
The cheeto experiment. ha ha aha...